Assignment: Write a bilingual poem, with the subject matter of your choice.
The desert sands glowed with a dusty light
Gleaming from beneath
The sun only a meek competitor
Against the fire of the earth.
Los guerreros de la arena,
Mi seguridad
Tu seguridad.
We hoist our lives onto our backs
We plunge into another world
Where the earth becomes the sky
And death is a friendly hand
Placed lightly upon your shoulder
El sol te cubre,
Tu sabana de fuego
La luz, y el calor
Te cubren.
The great granite monsters are piled high
One atop another
Broken relics of a lost age
Their jagged silhouettes pierce the dusky moon
As we slap the cold from our fingers
And our breath goes sharp in our throats
Los ojos del desierto nos miran
Con furia, con tristeza, con amor
Y aunque nuestros ojos se cierran
El desierto jamás duerme
Es el vigilante permanente
Con sus ojos
Reflejando el mundo.